Saturday, 21 April 2012

(Very Local) Patch birding...

I have before written that the closest I have to a birding 'patch' is probably Sandwell Valley. The problem with this is that it is a 15-20 minute drive from where I live in Birmingham City Centre. Don't get me wrong, I do love the place and really enjoy my visits there - it's just not quite the patch within walking distance of my flat. I guess this is an inherant problem with living in the middle of a city. With this in mind - I decided to explore the area around my flat which does have some greenery to offer.

Area Around My Flat - Google Maps
As soon as I walked out of the building I was greeted by the familiar aggravated chattering of the resident mistle thrushes. I know this species breed in this area and seem to be doing very well for themselves - I saw at least 4 adults with juveniles in-tow. This family in particular were very obliging and came to within 6 foot.

Mistle Thrush Family - Birmingham City Centre - Apr. 2012 - Mike Ixer
They were so close that the lens on my camera would only get this much of them in frame.

Mistle Thrush - Birmingham City Centre - Apr. 2012 - Mike Ixer
I have seen these birds feeding off McDonald's chips at peoples feet with the local feral pigeon population. Whilst they were nesting outside the window I watched one adult see off a group of six pigeons and two magpies to get it's share of some spilt Saturday night chips - pretty tough birds! The juveniles are certainly well looked after.

Juvenile Mistle Thrush - Birmingham City Centre - Apr. 2012 - Mike Ixer
The other highlights from this little stroll came in the form of this female blackcap.

Female Blackcap - Birmingham City Centre - Apr. 2012 - Mike Ixer
A few days ago I heard a male singing outside, but not for a the last couple of days, so perhaps he was just passing.

Other birds in the area were a chiffchaff, blackbirds, greenfinches, goldfinches, blue tits, great tits, wren, dunnock, woodpigeons, magpies, crows and flyover gulls.

Of course, the real stars of the city centre show weren't viewable from ground level, but from my flat with the aid of a telescope they can sometimes be seen perching.

Peregrine Falcon - Birmingham City Centre - Mike Ixer

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