Monday, 16 July 2012

The one that shall not be mentioned...

I was delighted to see this chap whilst out birding recently. Of course I will not be mentioning where I saw him for fear of the sanctioned duck-death squads sending him the way of so many of his species.

Ruddy Duck - Mike Ixer
I got a superb view of this individual and was somewhat saddened to think that this may be the best view (if not last view) I will ever get of this species in this country if DEFRA, with the RSPB's blessing, continues it's 'conservation' effort and eradicates them. There is a superb article which you can find here on the Guardian website which details the costs of this cull and some of the difficulties it faces if it is to actually be 'successful'.

Anyway, back to this handsome chap. Not only did he allow some very close views, but surprised all onlookers by actually displaying - something I never thought I would see, especially in this country. He was on his own so only he knows who he was trying to impress (couldn't see any white-headed ducks either)! I didn't manage to get a photo of the bubbling, flicking display but I did get this of him sitting up tall just before he did his thing.

Ruddy Duck - Mike Ixer
So here's to the handsome, shy and slightly bizarre Ruddy Duck - I hope your species can cling on until the government sees sense.

Ruddy Duck - Mike Ixer

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